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Changing registered office


Changing registered office SEW-EURODRIVE CZ s.r.o.

Dear Business Partners,

We would like to inform you that SEW-EURODRIVE CZ s.r.o., ID No.: 25120581, with its registered offi ce Lužná 591/4, Vokovice, 160 00 Prague 6, incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, File No. C 51403, is changing its registered offi ce and that with eff ect as of 1 July 2023, the new registered offi ce and also the new address of the company for postal service and invoicing purposes will be as follows:

SEW-EURODRIVE CZ s.r.o., Floriánova 2459, 253 01 Hostivice.

The other details (in particular bank details, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.) remain unchanged.

The changes mentioned above have no impact on the rights and obligations of our company to its business partners or our business partners rights and obligations to our company. Therefore, we would hereby like to ask you to only state the new registered office address of the company in all documents, in correspondence, at any meetings related to our company, in particular tax documents (invoices) issued by you for performance settlement, see the aforementioned details, as of 1 July 2023.

For detailed information, please visit our website, or, if you have any questions concerning the change of our company registered offi ce, contact us at the following telephone number +420 255 709 600 or through the following e-mail address